High-angle view of Chrysler Building near Henn Na Hotel New York

Manhattan Hotel Deals & Special Offers

Enhance Your Stay With Promotions From Henn na Hotel New York

Henn na Hotel New York takes pride in providing our guests with an extraordinary experience unlike any other each time they visit. In order to make your visit even more enjoyable, we offer these special Manhattan hotel deals. Please check back with us often, as we update our promotions and packages regularly. 

TV & work desk facing the bed in Executive King Room at Henn Na Hotel New York

Stay Longer, Save More!

So much to experience, you need more than a New York minute!

Close-up of Ferrania Condor on a suitcase at Henn Na Hotel New York

Plan Ahead and Save

Enjoy NYC’s newest hotel experience!  Book ahead and get up to 20% off.